Lessons Learned from Large NASA Projects
Large, complex missions have long development timeframes that often increase the challenges associated with budget, schedule, risk and reviews. In this VPMC session, associate administrators of two NASA mission directorates will share lessons learned from large projects. William H. Gerstenmaier, associate administrator for the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate, provides strategic direction for NASA's human exploration of space and programmatic direction for the International Space Station, Space Launch System and Orion spacecraft. Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, is responsible for directing and overseeing the nation’s space research program in Earth and space science. Gerstenmaier and Zurbuchen will share project management insights from a NASA senior leadership perspective. The conversation will cover a wide range of topics, including: - Understanding inherent risk of large missions - Investing in people to prevent mistakes and their consequences - Built-in schedule margin for problem resolution during assembly, integration and test - The importance of active management that engages often - Government-contractor work environments - Positive tension” required for effective mission oversight - Examining the Standing Review Board process for improvements Please note: Presenters for this VPMC will appear via pre-recorded interviews, so there will not be a question and answer session.
William H. Gerstenmaier
11/15/2018 6:30:00 PM

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