Project Derailed? Get Back on Track with Schedule and Cost
When they agree to lead an aerospace project, project managers commit to delivering a product that is technically excellent within a specified schedule and budget. But what can they do if a project falls behind schedule or runs over budget?
The Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership (APPEL) presents the second session of the NASA Virtual PM Challenge series on cost, schedule, and risk. In this second session of the NASA’s Virtual PM Challenge series on cost, schedule, and risk, we will look at the actions project managers can take to recover in-house instrument projects that are exceeding budget or behind schedule. Specifically, we’ll examine the project manager-business manager partnership and how a high-functioning partnership translates into project success. Speakers will be Kate Earle, Chief Learning Officer of the Quiet Leadership Institute, Jason Lee, Assistant Director for the Applied Research and Methods team at GAO, Vernell Jackson, Engineering Systems Resource Manager of Goddard Space Flight Center’s (GSFC) Applied Engineering & Technology Directorate, and Cynthia Simmons, Associate Division Chief of GSFC’s Instrument Systems and Technology Division. Moderator Ramien Pierre is from NASA’s Academy for Program Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL).
Jason Lee
2/23/2016 5:00:00 PM
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